Source code for spotify_py_sdk.endpoints.episodes

from typing import Union

from .endpoints_base import EndpointsBase
from spotify_py_sdk.types import *

[docs] class Episodes(EndpointsBase): """Make calls to the episodes endpoint. """ def __init__(self, api): """Constructor method """ super().__init__(api)
[docs] def get(self, id_or_ids: Union[str, list[str]], market: MARKET): """Get episodes by ids :param id_or_ids: pass single id or a list of ids :param market: pass market area like "GB" """ if type(id_or_ids) is str: params = EndpointsBase.params_for({"market": market}) album = self.get_request(f"episodes/{id_or_ids}{params}") return album params = EndpointsBase.params_for({"ids": id_or_ids, "market": market}) response = self.get_request(f"episodes{params}") return response["episodes"]